

What I did recently

Until the night on December 30th, I had my part time job, so I went back to my home in Yamaga in the morning December 31st. I was so happy that I could stay with my family on the end of the year because last year, I had my part time job from December 24th to January 3rd, so I stayed at my apartment alone! Isn’t it terrible? So I was so happy this year! In the morning, I cleaned up my apartment, and left. I was very looking forward to see my do, Shiro. She seemed gained weight little bit, but she was still cute! My mother and I dote on Shiro too much, and we think that our dog is the smartest and the cutest dog in the world. Actually, she can’t do anything.
At the night, I went to bed before seeing the old year out and the New Year in. In my family, we usually eat the buckwheat noodles eaten on New Year’s Eve around twelve O’clock just like other Japanese do. Then I woke up late on January 1st, and I visited the grave with my mom and dad. It was so cold and I didn’t want to go out, but I feel weird if I didn’t visit grave on New Year’s Day.
The next day, my dad’s sister and her family came to see us from Fukuoka. We eat lunch together every year, and we talk each other a lot. Then they go back to their home in the evening. It was good to see each other. The next day, I went to see one of my friends from Junior High School. She said she was going to marry her boyfriend on September or October. We are only 21 years old now! Isn’t it too fast to marry someone? However she seemed so happy, so I was happy, too. Then after we talked a lot, I went to get some DVDs to watch, and went back my home. I got two DVDs, Desperate Housewives and Gray’s Anatomy. Do you know them? I really like them because they are funny and little bit serious sometimes. I enjoyed watching them, and I helped my mom making supper then we ate. In the night, I was going to go back to my apartment, but I quit and I decided to stay one night longer at my home. Next day, I finished watching the DVDs, and went back to my apartment. Spending time in my parents gave me a chance to relax. (424 words)

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