

How to Steal a Million

How to steal a million
I watched a DVD, called “How to Steal a Million”. This is really old movie, but I wanted to watch it because Audrey Hepburn was in the movie. She plays the main character, Nicole Bonnet. The story is…

Nicole lives with her father Charles Bonnet. He is very good at painting, and he makes many counterfeits, then he sells them. Nicole really doesn’t like it because it’s a crime. She always keeps telling him to stop selling his fake masterpieces, but he doesn’t care at all, and he gave Kleber-Lafavette museum a loan of his statue of Cellini Venus. The Cellini Venus that Charles made is displayed in a famous museum.

One day, Nicole was alone in her house at the night, and reading a book in her room then she heard a noise. She goes down stairs to check if someone is there, and a thief was there. The stranger was looking and doing something with a picture on the wall. Nicole didn’t call police because of the counterfeits.

Nicole thinks the man who was in her house was stealing the picture, but actually he is not. He is a “private detective, specializing in stolen work of art”, so at that night, he was chipping a piece of the coloring from Charles’ painting.
However Dermott, the private detective, didn’t tell that to Nicole and acted like a thief. Of course he found out that the pictures are not real, but told nobody. Nicole and Dermott didn’t notice by themselves yet, but they were already in love.

Another day, an old man came to the house and said that they insured Cellini Venus against all accidents for one million dollars. He also asks Charles, “Would you like to be present at the technical examination?” He says that’s they are required to insure.
Now they are in big problem.

Nicole contacts to Dermott to steal the Cellini Venus from the museum before the “technical examination”. At first, he wasn’t going to that because the Cellini Venus is under close guards, and he couldn’t understand why she needs to steal hers. However she can’t tell why, but she must do. They dates and think how to steal.
The day to steal it came. They go to the museum, and they stay at the museum after it closed somehow. They hide a tiny space under the stairs, and wait until midnight. Dermott does steal the Cellini Venus with a magnet, piece of rope, and a boomerang! Can you imagine how did he make it? He is really genius. He is detective, so he knows many things to steal! Then they go home with the Cellini Venus, and he tells Nicole everything. He tells that he knew Cellini Venus wasn’t real, he could guess when Nicole asked him to steal it.
At the end of the story, Dermott meet Charles and warns him to never do it, but Charles never learns and he still keeps enjoying it. Anyway, Nicole and Charles are very happy because they don’t need to have technical examination.

I love this movie. The story was interesting and how Dermott steal the Cellini Venus was really awesome. I also liked Nicole in old-fashioned clothes. They were so cute! I really recommend you to watch it. I think girls will like it. (557 words)

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