

book review-5 Notting Hill

William Thacker is the main character of this story. He is twenty-eight years old, and he and his many friends live in Notting Hill. He had a wife. His wife left him for another man about two years before. Now William Thacker lives his life with man named Spike. William Thacker works at a shop called The Travel Book Company. One day, when he was working at his shop, a very beautiful woman came. He thinks he knows her, and he tries to remember who she is. Then he remembers that she is Anna Scott, the biggest film star. Most men think that she is the most beautiful girl on Earth. William tries to calm, and they talk friendly. Anna Scott buys a guidebook and leaves his shop. He will never see her again, so he feels empty. After that, William is at a café with Martin, and he gets an orange juice. Then he goes back to the bookshop with the orange juice again. When he turned the corner to the bookshop, he walked straight into a woman. He says sorry and looks up the woman’s face. It was Anna Scott! She is angry. William takes her to his home to clean her cloths. At that time, they didn’t talk that much, but after the day, William called her to date. Then they got closer.
I read this book just because the woman in the picture of the cover was cute. I liked the story, too. I think it has movie, too, so I want to watch the movie.(260/3425)

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