


The girl who is rolling a ball was my host sister. Her name is Julia, and she is two years younger than me. When I was a high school student, I went to the U.S. as an exchange student. There were mom, dad, and three sisters. The oldest sister and I were the same age, and the other sisters were twins! Julia is one of the twins. She always woke me up on Saturday and Sunday morning. I didn't have to wake up so early, but she always woke me up, and we ate breakfast together. I liked eating pancake for breakfast. On Sunday, I went to Church with the family, and I went to Sunday school, too. I wasn't a Christian, but it was good to learn their way of thinking. Many Japanese people say children, "if you do something bad, you will go to the hell, and if you do good things, you can go to seven." I thought it is world common, but it was not. Christian doesn't think like that. They think only the people who believe in God can go to heaven. Stephanie, the oldest host sister told me she thinks it is wrong that people who did bad things go to hell because everyone do bad things. Even if you didn't kill anybody or steal anything, you may have injured people, so you can't say who is bad or who is good. I understood it and agreed with the thinking. I got new ideas from them. Anyway, Julia was in Japan as an exchange student on August. Stephanie has been Japan few years ago, too. When I was in America, Julia said that she wanted to come to Japan, so I was glad that she did it! Then I went to Tamana to see her. I drove my mom's car to Tamana. I was kind of scared because I got car license about two years ago, but I hadn't driven alone so much. At first, we went to eat out. She couldn't eat a lot of kind of Japanese food, but she tried to eat. I said that she didn't have to eat it if she didn't like it, but she said she wanted to because she won't get so many chances to come to Japan. How nice she is! After eating lunch, we went for bowling. I remembered that Stephanie, Nicole, Julia, and I did bowling in America. We had fun! After that, we went to Jusco to get some snacks. Stephanie and Nicole liked Japanese snacks, so Julia got snacks for them. Then I took Julia to her host family's home, and said goodbye. I hope that we can see each other again.(451/4551 words)

1 件のコメント:

Ina さんのコメント...

heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey :)
How are you?
I read this blog. I am even you because I think you had very good time in America.
I really want to stay in America in the future. I think 2 years after, I will.