

B.R.-17 Love by Design

The main character is Tom. The first of this story, Mr. Cutter who was Tom’s dad was very angry because Tom’s exam tests results were so bad. Tom says, “But I passed art class. Grade A!” Then Mr. Cutter says, “But you’ve failed your History, English, Biology, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry exam. Grade F!” However, Tom doesn’t care about it. What he wants to be is an artist, so he doesn’t care about his History, English, Biology, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry class. Tom wants to go to Silverton College to study Art and Photography. However, there was a bad news from Silverton College.
These things were written in the letter.
“Dear Tom
We are sorry to tell you that we cannot offer you a place on our Art and Photography course. We suggest that you return to school to take your exams again. Then you can study here next year. Yours sincerely.”
Tm didn’t like school, so he didn’t want to go back to school. Mr. Cutter says that Tom needs to get a job and work. Tom says, “I don’t want get a job. I’m only seventeen.” Tom dreams to make a lot of money by drawing and taking photographs. Mr. Cutter says Tom to find a job or go back to school. Tom really doesn’t wants to go back to school. Tom wrote a lot of letters to companies to ask for a job, and he filled about forty application forms. Then he got forty letters back, but of course there were no job for Tom. One day, Tom got a letter from Silverton Public Library to work there as an assistant. Mr. Cutter was so happy. Working at Silverton Public Library was very easy. Silverton Public Library was open all day, but it is a small library, and just few people comes to get some books to read at their home, or come to read newspapers. Most of the time of his work, he just sat at his desk, and he did nothing. Most of Tom’s friends study at Silverton College now. Tom wanted to go there with his friends. Sometimes Tom draws a picture of the visitors of the Silverton Public Library. One day, a girl came in to the library. She was not going to borrow any books or read newspapers. She just came into the library because it was raining. Then Tom started to draw her, and the girl notices that Tom is drawing her. She asks why he is drawing her, and Tom answers that’s because he has nothing to do, and he was bored. The girl smiles at Tom. The girl has dark hair and brown eyes. She is a very cute girl, and says that she doesn’t have anything to do either. “I never had anything interesting to do. But sometimes I make my own clothes,” the girl says. She made a coat that she is wearing now, too. It looks very nice. Tom was very surprised. The girl’s name is Rita Tatchi, and she is just seventeen, the same age as Tom. She says that she doesn’t have any job, and she lives with her father and sister. She doesn’t have her mom because of a car crush. Her dad was in the same car. He didn’t die, but badly injured. Her dad was an engineer, but it is hard to find new job, so they don’t have much money. After the talking, it wasn’t raining outside any more, so Rita left there. After the day, Tom waited for Rita comes to the library again, and he thought about Rita everyday. However Rita doesn’t appear. Four days after, Rita came to the Library. She says that she wants to be a model and went to many model agency, but she was too short to be a model. Tom decided to help her by taking her photographs, and they can send the photos to some fashion magazines. They saw each other every day, and talked a lot. They got closer and closer. However they had fight, and didn’t talk or see each other any more. Tom was angry at first, but he became sad. His friend told Tom to go to see Rita. Tom went Rita’s home, but Rita wasn’t there any more. Tom got to find her, and he did, but he didn’t want to talk to her. I was sad because they love each other, but they don’t know they do. In the last of the story, they see each other and Rita tells that she loves him to Tom on his birthday. Of course Tom still loves Rita, too. It made me so happy. This story was very, very long, but I recommend this book. (787/6861 words)

1 件のコメント:

yohei さんのコメント...

Your review is very long! I'm surprised at that. Reading books and writing reviews are hard and difficult, I think, but it will improve your English skill.
Good luck!