

Movie Review-5 Groundhog Day

This is a romantic comedy movie. I think this movie is telling us to do something nice for people, and do not to be selfish or egotistic.

The main character is Phil Connor who is a weatherman. He isn’t nice to people because he thinks he is a star or something, and he acts like a star. Every year he has to go to Pennsylvania to cover an event, called Groundhog Day. Groundhog Day is a day when a groundhog comes and tells us that spring is coming soon. Phil hates the event and hates going to the town because it is the countryside. Of course he is not nice to the people in the town. In the last part of the movie, he falls in love with Rita, a woman who works with Phil, and tries to make her fall in love with him.

The basic story of this movie is that tomorrow doesn’t come to Phil. Phil spends the same day again and again. On February 2nd, Phil was staying in Pennsylvania for Groundhog Day, as usual. In the morning, the radio says that it is Groundhog Day, and Phil wakes up then goes to report the event. The next morning, Phil hears that radio say it’s Groundhog Day, today, and the same thing happens just like yesterday. At first, he does what he wants. He does many bad things, but after falls in love with Rita, he notices that doing bad things doesn’t make people or him happy.

In my case, even when I got things that I wanted, like clothes, shoes, or bags, I felt that I wanted more. Only getting things for myself still makes me feel like there is something missing. However when someone was pleased because of me, I would be really happy. I think everyone felt that, too. I looked back these few days if I had done something nice for people around me, and I couldn’t remember, so I will try to do something good for someone from today. This movie made me think about not little things, but really important things. (351 words)

Movie Review-4 Drumline

This movie tells us how precious friends are. In the movie, the character always helped each other when they are in trouble.
The main character in this movie was Devon. He had a genius for playing the drum, but he was also a problem child in the band. He is not used to listen to people’s advice. However he was always nice to his mother and his friends.

In the movie, Devon just entered a college called A&T. A&T is famous for a marching drum, but these years, A&T haven’t won Morris Brown which was a rival brass band team. Morris Brown plays pop music, and it has a high popularity among the listeners, but A&T doesn’t play pop music because Dr. Lee doesn’t like that, and he seeks for “real” music. Dr. Lee is kind of strict, but really nice director who thinks a lot for his students.
One day, Dr. Lee knew that Devon couldn’t read the music, and Dr. Lee made him study to be able to read the music. Devon couldn’t understand that Dr. Lee didn’t let him play the drum until Devon became to be able to read the music because he can play better than other teammates without the music. However, his girlfriend, Laila teaches Devon that sometimes he can’t do the things what he only want to do, and Devon also teaches Laila that she was just dancing to her parent’s tune, and sometimes she needs to do what she wants to do.
In the end of the story, Devon studies a lot to read the music with Sean who used to dislike Devon. Then they got to be friendly, and then made music together for next big competition. It was really good, and the year, they could win Morris Brown with the music.

At first, I didn’t like Devon because he was impudent and cocky. In fact, he was kind of that, but so nice to his friends. One time, he taught his friend how to play better really hard. I thought if I can do something really hard for other people.I got to imitate him! Also, the words that Laila and Devon said to each other were really important things, too. I know I should listen to people saying something for me, but sometimes I care too much about people around me, like my family or my friends. I learned many lessons from this movie.
You will not enjoy only the story but the music and the dance. (417 words)

Movie Review-3 Cars

When McQueen was going to California for a race called The Piston Cup, he was caught by a police car because he was driving too fast. Instead of putting him in jail, the judge made him fix the road in the town, Radiator Springs. The cars in Radiator Springs have a big problem. The problem is that they have no visitors because the stores and road are too old. The town isn’t even on the maps. That’s why McQueen was forced to fix the road there. Everyone, especially Sally, a blue Porsche, is trying to bring customers and trying to get the town back to it’s original feeling.

At first, McQueen hated being in the town, but he had to stay there few days to make the road better, and he practiced running faster while staying in the town. As he stayed in the town, he came to like the town because he drove to some nice place there with Sally. One more thing to make him interested in the town was Hudson Hornet. He had won The Piston Cup three times, and he was in the town! Before he came there, he didn’t like getting dirty or “rusty old cars”. However he changed his mind because he knew many nice “rusty old cars” in the town.

At the last part of the story, Radiator Springs got better because of McQueen, but he was taken back to The Piston Cup, so he had to leave the town. During the race, he couldn’t stop thinking about the days that he used to spend in the town. However I was so happy when the cars from Radiator Springs were supporting McQueen in the car race. McQueen didn’t win in the race, but he learned there are more important things than winning in the race. I was almost going to cry at the end of the race. I will show this movie to my kids. (322 words)

Movie Review-2 Mrs. Doubtfire

This is a really funny comedy movie. I think it tells us how precious our families are.

The main characters are Daniel Hillard, Miranda, and three children.
Daniel Hillard is Miranda’s husband and three children’s dad. He was a voice actor, but he was fired. He is not good at working, but really good at taking care of his children. He spends more than he earns. He loves his children and stays with them all day.
Miranda is Daniel’s wife. She is an interior decorator, and really good at working. She earns money for her family. When she gets home after working, the house is always messy because of Daniel and the children. Miranda was getting tired of cleaning.
Miranda and Daniel’s children’s names are Lydia, Chris, and Natalie. They like their mom, but they love their dad more than their mom.

One day, Miranda gets a phone call from police, and goes back to her home to see what is happening. There are many animals inside and outside of the house. The music is really loud and of course the room was so messy. Daniel was having a birthday party for his son, Chris. Then Miranda had to clean the house again. Daniel always messes the house, and Miranda always cleans it up. Miranda can’t stand Daniel any more. So they got divorced and children stayed with Miranda because Daniel doesn’t have any job. Daniel can’t stay with his children, so he was so sad. However Daniel got an idea to spend more time with the children. He knew that Miranda is looking for a nice person who can take care of the children while she was at work, so Daniel introduced himself as Mrs. Doubtfire and pretended to be a really nice old woman. No one recognizes Daniel, and they like Mrs. Doubtfire.
Everything seemed to be okay somehow, but there were still some problems around him…

It was not only a funny story, but also good to think about family. When Daniel and his children are separated, they seemed very sad. I can’t imagine what it is like to be separated from my family, either. When people marry, they love each other so much, but it is difficult to keep that feeling. These days, many people get divorced. I know that sometimes it makes things better, but it not really nice for their children. However I was kind of glad that even thoughthey got divorced, Daniel still loves his children a lot and tries to do many things for them.
Do you remember the first day Mrs. Doubtfire comes to take care of the children? The children don’t like Mrs. Doubtfire, yet. When they go to upstairs to do their homework, they say, “If dad were here…” or something, and Mrs. Doubtfire says, “I’m here,” with a little voice. It was my favorite scene. I really felt his devotion to his children. (488 words)


B.R-10 The Truth Machine

The main character is Professor Verity, and he was an actual person, wasn’t he? He made a machine and named it, the Truth Machine. How to use the machine is, first the questioner sits in a little chair, and the truth speaker sits at a big chair. Next, Professor Verity sits in front of the controls. If the truth speaker lies, the machine tells us that the person is lying.
One day, Professor Verity finally completed the Truth Machine, and called newspaper office. Then a reporter came to his laboratory soon, and asked Professor Verity few questions. The reporter asked why he made the Truth Machine, and Professor Verity answered that he loves truth, good people, and peace, and he hates lies, bad people, and war. The truth machine loves truth, good people, and peace, and it hates lies, bad people, and war. The reporter wrote it down, and went back to his newspaper office.
Soon, Professor Verity was on the radio and television, so many people new about him and the Truth Machine. People from all over the world sent him letters and money. Professor Verity read all of the letters and chose three people, Mrs. Seeker from Australia, Inspector Sack from South America, and Dr. Simple from the U.S. Professor Verity wrote them back to come to see him, and to be one of the first clients. Few days later, Mrs. Seeker visited professor Verity, and said that she wouldn’t be his first client because the first client would be her husband! She says that her husband has an affair. Professor Verity told her to come next Monday morning.
Then, Inspector Sack was the next visitor. He is a policeman, and he says that he wants Professor Verity’s help to fight against the criminals. Professor tells inspector to bring the criminals to him next Monday afternoon.
The third client was Dr. Simple, and he already knew that he was professor’s third visitor and he also knew about Mrs. Seeker and inspector Sack. Mr. Simple is a spy, and he says that he has caught a spy, and he wants the truth from the spy. Professor tells Dr. Simple to come again next Monday evening.
Monday morning came, and Mrs. Seeker brought her husband to Professor Verity’s laboratory. Mrs. Seeker asks Mr. Seeker if he loves her, but he says that he doesn’t love her, and he loves Anne Elliott, Mrs. Seeker’s best friend. Now she got the truth, but she doesn’t know what to do.
The afternoon, Inspector Sack came with his boss, the Chief Inspector, and some criminals. The criminals tell the truth one after another. Inspector Sack is very happy now. However, suddenly his boss says that they don’t need Inspector Sack anymore because no more criminals, no more work. Now he lost his job.
The Monday evening, a dangerous spy was brought by Dr. Simple. At first, the spy seemed telling them truth, but he said that he is not telling the truth because always lying is the truth for him. Now they don’t even know if he is telling the truth or not.
Mrs. Seeker, Inspector Sack, and Dr. Simple are mad at professor Verity. They visited professor Verity, and this time they are the questioners, and the truth speaker is Professor Verity. He was asked what really want, and answered that he wanted money and power. They are so mad. Dr. Simple broke the truth machine, and inspector shot Verity with his gun.
This story was kind of long, but very easy to read. I didn’t like the end of story. The story ended by halves. (603 words)


Movie Review-5 Groundhog Day

This is a romantic comedy movie. I think this movie is telling us to do something nice for people, and do not to be selfish or egotistic.

The main character is Phil Connor who is a weatherman. He isn’t nice to people because he thinks he is a star or something, and he acts like a star. Every year he has to go to Pennsylvania to cover an event, called Groundhog Day. Groundhog Day is a day when a groundhog comes and tells us that spring is coming soon. Phil hates the event and hates going to the town because it is the countryside. Of course he is not nice to the people in the town. In the last part of the movie, he falls in love with Rita, a woman who works with Phil, and tries to make her fall in love with him.

The basic story of this movie is that tomorrow doesn’t come to Phil. Phil spends the same day again and again. On February 2nd, Phil was staying in Pennsylvania for Groundhog Day, as usual. In the morning, the radio says that it is Groundhog Day, and Phil wakes up then goes to report the event. The next morning, Phil hears that radio say it’s Groundhog Day, today, and the same thing happens just like yesterday. At first, he does what he wants. He does many bad things, but after falls in love with Rita, he notices that doing bad things doesn’t make people or him happy.

In my case, even when I got things that I wanted, like clothes, shoes, or bags, I felt that I wanted more. Only getting things for myself still makes me feel like there is something missing. However when someone was pleased because of me, I would be really happy. I think everyone felt that, too. I looked back these few days if I had done something nice for people around me, and I couldn’t remember, so I will try to do something good for someone from today. This movie made me think about not little things, but really important things. (354 words)


B.R.-9 Different Worlds

The main character is a girl, Sam. She can’t hear anything. When she was born, she was a deaf. She doesn’t know much about her father because he left after Sam was born, but she had a beautiful, nice mother. Her mother plays music, laughs a lot, and says, “Life’s short, so choose to be happy.” Aren’t they so good words? I won’t forget these words, too. When she is eighteen years old, there is a man who Sam is in love with. Sam likes the man, but she doesn’t know his name. He works at a fruit and vegetable store, and Sam always watches the man working from her room window. Until she falls in love with him, she didn’t think anything about being deaf, but now, she wished that she could hear sounds like other people could. One day, she bought a newspaper at the store, and the man talked to Sam. Sam could lip-read, and she understood what he said to her, but she didn’t reply because she didn’t like using her voice. She had tried to talk, but her friends never understood what she is saying, or sometimes children made fun of her. That’s why she doesn’t like talking. Then Sam felt Sad.

Sam has a best friend, named Ron, and he knows the man working the store because the man is a friend of Ron’s brother, Pete. The man’s name is Jim. The night, Pete is going to have a party, and Jim will come to the party, so Ron invited Sam to the party, too. At the party, Sam and Jim got closer. Jim understood that Sam couldn’t hear, and he also knew that Sam could lip-read. They had fun conversation, but at the moment, there was a pretty girl in a red dress standing behind Sam. Sam doesn’t know if the girl is Jim’s girlfriend. Ron was like a brother to Sam, but they seemed like lovers, too.

The next week, Sam went to his shop to get some stuff, and Jim was there. They talked about the night at the party, and Jim asked her, “is Ron your boyfriend?” Sam answered that he is not her boyfriend, he is her best friend. Jim smiled and they promised to meet the next day at the night.
The next day, they went to a bar. Many people don’t understand what she says, but Jim does, and Jim talks slowly, so Sam can lip-read easily. They talked a lot and laughed a lot. They talked where they raised, and what they want to do in the future.
After that, they met and talked as often as they could. When they are not together, they e-mailed, so if they couldn’t see each other, they spoke everyday. Sam was so happy.

One day, Sam was walking alone, and a girl stood in front of her. It was the girl in red dress from the party. She was very mad, and said that she was Jim’s girlfriend until Sam and Jim met at the party. She also told Sam about Jim that Sam doesn’t know. Jim plays music, and music is everything for him, so he needs to be with someone who can listen to his music, she says. She also said, “Stay away from Jim”, and left.
Sam was very sad all day. Jim came to her home because Sam didn’t reply to his e-mail, and tried to tell Sam that he loves Sam, but it wasn’t enough for her. She was still sad. Jim told that he was dating with the girl, Lauren few months, but it was last year, and he said sorry that he didn’t tell her about his music. Sam understood Jim, but she couldn’t forget Lauren’s words because these were true.

Sam was still sad everyday, and mom talked to her about Sam’s father and how Jim loves her. Then Sam notices what she was thinking was stupid thing. After that, her mom takes Sam to a building, and Jim was playing music with his friends there. Sam could see real Jim there, and felt the vibration of his music in the floor under her feet. Jim notices Sam, and kisses! They are so happy in love!

At first, I was kind of angry with Lauren, the mean girl in the red dress from the party, and felt sorry for Jim because he is nice and really loves Sam, but Sam couldn’t answer to him at first because of Lauren! However it made their feeling for each other stronger, didn’t it? As I read this story, I felt so happy and made me want to be in love with someone, but I guess I won’t.  (789 words)

Movie Review1 Mr. Incredible

The main characters are Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Dash, Violet, Jack-Jack, and IncrediBoy.
Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl are a superhero and a superlady. They got married and had three children. One is a daughter who is named Violet. She has a power to disappear. She is a very shy girl, so she uses the power to disappear from in front of a boy Violet likes. Other two are sons who are named Dash and Jack-Jack. Dash has power to run very fast. Jack-Jack is only a baby who doesn’t have any special power. IncrediBoy is one of Mr. Incredible’s fans and wants to be Mr. Incredible’s partner, but Mr. Incredible says that he doesn’t need any partner.

Mr. Incredible likes saving people from danger, and one day, he saves a man’s life. The man was going to commit suicide by jumping off from a very tall building, and he didn’t want to be saved. People who were saved but did not want to be saved accuse Mr. Incredible, so he can’t save people. Other superheroes became just normal people, too. After that, Mr. Incredible works at a company, but he isn’t happy because he can’t use his powers and can’t help people in trouble. His family had to act like they are normal, too.

One day, a woman who is called Mirage appears in front of Mr. Incredible and says that she needs his special power. Of course Mr. Incredible goes to see her many times because he can use his power to make things better. After that, he felt happy, and it made his family feel happy, too. However it was a trap set by Syndrome. Syndrome was IncrediBoy, the biggest fan of Mr. Incredible. Now his name is Syndrome and he hates Mr. Incredible because of the words that Mr. Incredible said before. He told him, “Fly home. I work alone.” Then Syndrome got stronger to kill Mr. incredible, but his family comes to help him. Elastigirl didn’t let Violet and Dash use their special power, but now they can use their power! They also help people from Syndrome, and they are superheroes again.

At end of the story, their youngest baby, Jack-Jack showed his special powers. He wasn’t normal, either. It was so cute when Dash runs as fast as he can. He seemed so happy. I also remember that Elastigirl cries a lot because she thinks Mr. Incredible is cheating on her. The scene was sad, but I liked that.
I hoped that they were around us. Don’t you think so? (427/5114 words)


B.R.-8 Ali and his Camera

Ali, a boy who lives in Turkey is the main character in this story. He is interested in taking photos, but he doesn’t have his camera. He always takes photos in his heads. After school, he goes to a big market near his house and helps people with carrying their bags. Then people give Ali what they want. Sometimes they give Ali some foods, and sometimes they give him little money. Ali never spends the money, and saves them to get a camera. One day, Ali was walking the street with an old man to carry his heavy bags. A man was following them, and took a man’s bag that Ali was carrying. Ali tried to take back the bag, so the thief hit Ali. Ali fell down, and his money that he earned by carrying people’s bag fell out from his pocket. The thief took the money instead of the bag. Ali was very sad, but he said nothing and began making money again.

Another day, there was an old woman with two bags, and she asked Ali to carry them to her home. In the way, the old woman and Ali talked a lot. He tells her that he doesn’t have any camera, but he always takes photos in his head. When they got the old woman’s home, she asked him what they want, and Ali answered, “give me what you want.” Ali never said how much to give. She gave him a banana, and he was going out of the house. The old woman stopped Ali and gave him a camera that her son got first time. The old woman said, “You’re a very good boy. Remember my name. It’s Mrs. Yildiz,” Ali is so happy, and he told about it to his mom. His mom gave him some money to get films, but he didn’t take them because Ali wanted to get films by his own money. He kept working every after school, and finally he got some money for films. He bought some films and visited the old woman, Mrs. Yildiz to take photos. There was her son, Yusuf, too. Yusuf says that he can teach Ali a lot about photos. He looked at Ali’s pictures, and said that some of them were good, but some of them were not so good. At that time, Ali was very angry, but after a while he noticed that being meek and mild is important to learn new things.
Ali studies a lot about photos and his photos got better. One day, Ali’s photo was on a newspaper. Yusuf putted the photo on the newspaper. Ali got a new job to take photos for newspaper. Ali is so happy!

At first Ali even didn’t have a camera, but he worked hard to get a camera, and studied a lot to take better pictures. I used to give up many things before trying, but I got to change my mind. Now I believe that I can do what ever I want if I try really hard. (509/4687 words)


My Stay in Okinawa

Last summer, I went to Okinawa to see one of my friends. She is not from Okinawa, but she is living in Okinawa for one year. Her name is Sayako, and she is 21 years old. Sayako and I are very good friends from K.G.U. Now Sayako goes to O.K.U as an exchange student for one year. She said that she had never lived without her family, so she wanted to try to live alone. She says she really enjoys her stay in Okinawa. When she left Kumamoto, I promised that I would visit her before she gets back to Kumamoto, so I did. At six O’clock, I went Kumamoto Kotsu C. and took a bus to Fukuoka Airport. Then I got on the plane. I was so excited because I loved Okinawa and could see my friend. When I got off the plane, my friend was waiting there for me. We rented a car, and went to Churaumi- aquarium. I took this picture there. They had so big water tank. It was the biggest in Japan! There were so many interesting fish and shark and…and more! A boy was tying to take pivtures of sharks. I thought it was so cute, so I took a picture of him. We also watched “Oki-chan Show”. Oki-chan is a name of a dolphin. We enjoyed watching that, and went to the beach. The water was so clear. However it was kind of dark, so we went back to Sayako’s apartment. We took about one and half hour to get there. We were lost kind of, but we could go back to her home some how. Then we went to Yakiniku and ate a lot. The next day, we went shopping and beach again. It was sunny day, and many people were there. The water wasn’t so cold. I felt like I’m in Onsen. In the evening, we went to Kokusaidori. They had many interesting stores, but I got nothing and ate supper there. The night was my last stay in Okinawa. Sayako and I talked a lot and fell asleep. The next day, I took airplane and went back to Kumamoto. I want to go there again. (365/4178 words)



Look at this cute cat’s picture! This is not my cat, but my friend’s cat. This is American-short-hair-cat. Do you know about American-short-hair-cat? I didn’t know much about that kind of cats, but my friend told me a lot about the cats. They have symmetrical stripes on their back! I looked on her back, and she really had symmetrical stripes! It was beautiful. Her name is Yu-chan, and she is very friendly. When I am just sitting, she tries to come to my shoulder, and starts sleeping. I didn’t know that cats are so friendly. I thought cats don’t play with people, and they like playing by themselves. I wasn’t cat person, but I felt I wanted to have my cat. However I won’t have cat because I have a dog, Shiro! Shiro might be jealous, so I won’t have any other pets. (143/ 3813 words)

B.R-7 Tales from Hans Andersen

I chose this book to read because it has many famous stories that I know, so I thought it would be easy to understand.

The Ugly duckling
The main Characters are ducks! There was a mother duck sitting on some eggs, and the ducklings come out. However, the biggest egg is not open, yet. About one hour later it opened, but the duckling was very big and ugly. Everyday the mother duck and ducklings stayed all together, but the ducklings don’t take the ugly duckling into their circle. They were very mean to him, and he left them. Then the biggest ugly duckling meats many animals, but they are mean to him, too. One day, the ugly duckling seas swans swimming. He wished that he could be beautiful like them. Sometimes he felt like he wants to die. He was alone long, long time. Another day, he seas swans, again, and he went to talk to them. He thought they might kill him because he is ugly, but he didn’t care. He just tried to swim them to talk. The ugly duck says, “kill me”, and lowered his head. Then what he seas? He saw a very beautiful swan on the surface. He was a swan! That was why he was different from other ducklings. The other swans gave a welcome to him. This story was little bit different from a story that I know. Half way of the story, I felt so sorry for the ugly duckling.

Little Mermaid
There is a Sea King living under the sea, and he has six children. After his wife’s death, his grandma took care of the children, and they really liked their grandma. The children were very beautiful mermaid princesses, specially the youngest one. Some times grandmother tells them that there is another world out side of the water, and youngest princess is really interested in the people lives on the land. Every little thing was unbelievable to them. One day, the little princess was looking at a ship, and the ship broke. A young prince was drowning, so she saved his life. He doesn’t remember her, but she loves him. She goes to an old woman who can use magic, and the old woman gives a magic drink to the little princess. She drinks it, and she gets two feet, then she lot voice instead of the feet. There was one more thing she had to do. She must marry him! If she couldn’t she would die. At the end of the story, she couldn’t marry him or stay together, but she didn’t die because she was very nice and she had helped people. The little mermaid was happy with that, but I wasn’t. I wanted the little princess to marry him. (463/3670 words)


B.R.-6 The Barbecue

The main character was Donut. His mother was going to be forty years old, so they are having a party. Donut invited his friends and their parents. However Sam was not happy about that because her dad will be working, so he won’t be able to come to the party. Sam was unhappy about that. Donut said that they are going to have barbecue, and he told a story about the barbecue they had last time. The last time, Donut’s stepfather set too close to the garden fence, so the fire leaped to the fence. Then they had to call out the fire brigade. Donut’s friends didn’t believe that. They said Donut is making that up! Donut found his little sister, Cleo and said, “tell everyone what happened last time we had barbecue.” Cleo told everyone about the fire, and they believed that. The Barbecue day came. People brought presents for Mrs. Pringles, and she was so happy. She went to make it sure if the fire is not too close to the garden fence, and Mr. Pringles said that the fire was fine this time. After cooking, Mrs. Pringles started playing the piano, and Mr. Pringles started singing. As he sings, he began to climb a big oak tree. Mrs. Pringle said to come down to him angrily. However Mr. Pringle was so scared and couldn’t come down. Then they called the fire brigade again, and Sam’s dad came. He is a fire fighter, and he helps Mr. Pringle coming back down to the ground. Then Sam’s dad joins to the barbecue, and they all are happy now. I remembered the American style barbecue. It’s so different from Japanese barbecue, but it was really fun, too. (287/3107 words)

B.R.-5 Gandhi

Chapter 1 An Ordinary Boy
Gandhi’s full name was Mohandes Karamchand Gandhi. I didn’t know his full name, and I don’t know how to pronounce. He was born in 1869 in the west of India. When he was a boy, Britain was a very strong country. Britain Ruled India, and about East India Company was written in Chapter 1. I had learned about East India Company.

Chapter 2 “Coloreds sit in third class!”
Mohandes’ parents found a wife, named Kasturbai for him when he was only thirteen years old, and they got first baby in 1886. It was very common thing at that time. (Now I can’t understand. I still don’t want to marry, yet.) Gandhi’s first job was in Africa, which was also under the British rule. He had to leave his wife and his baby, but he was excited because it wouldn’t be longer than one years. An evening, he was on a train, and a white man got on the train, and said, “Get out of here. Coloreds can’t sit in here.” Gandhi had first class ticket, so he didn’t move because he wasn’t wrong. Then the white man called a police, and they threw him out of the train. Gandhi thought it was wrong, and he stayed in South Africa with his family about twenty years to fight against the discrimination. However things got worse, and they got new laws. Gandhi was sent to prison because of the law sometimes. Gandhi started nonviolence protect. About a month later, World War 1 started.

Chapter 3 “Go and find India”
“Go and find India! Listen, but do not speak. Learn!” These words were from an old Indian friend and a teacher to Gandhi because he was very famous in India, but he didn’t know about his country well. He obeyed the words and went to so many places in India, then met many people. This book said, “He wanted five things: no violence between Hindus and Muslims; the same rights for untouchables (people who does the dirty jobs) as for other Hindus; Indians in Indian clothes; the same rights for women as men; independence for India from British rule.”

Chapter 4 “I wanted to teach India a lesson”
In World War1, Indians fought with British, and died for them. When World War 1 was over, Indians thought that British would give them more rights, but it was wrong. Nothing changed, or went worse. However people didn’t give up. People put off British clothes and wore only Indian clothes. The British thought, “We think he is wating. He will use violence when he is ready.” Then they put Gandhi in prison for two years again.

Chapter 5 “I can’t get away from people!”
Nonviolence protest wasn’t really working. They often used violence between Hindus and Muslims. Gandhi started to fast, and said, “I will eat again when the violence stops. Not before.” Then Hindu and Muslim leaders came to Gandhi to stop and told him that they are not fighting any more. He stopped fighting for Gandhi! I can see how people respected him from that. Often Gandhi was feeling tired, and he stopped going around for meetings and stayed home, ashram with children.

Chapter 6 “We have to do something big.”
At the time, three important readers were there. They were Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Mohammed Ali Jinnah. Nehru liked Gandhi, and he was very close to Gandhi, but Jinnah wasn’t. He didn’t like Gandhi’s idea. These three leaders met British reader to talk about independence, but British were not ready for that. Gandhi thought something to do big thing. In India, it was too hot to live without salt in summer, but they had to pay money to British to sell salt. Then Gandhi and many Indians took salt and sold them in the cities without paying to the British. Of course British put them to prison.

Chapter 7 “I will only eat when the violence ends.”
This time, people didn’t listen to Gandhi’s idea nonviorent protest. People were going to fight against British for independence. There were many other problems, and Gandhi started fast in many places until people stop using violence. It worked little by little.

Chapter 8 “Oh God!”
On January 30, 1948, Gandhi was going to a meeting, and five hundred people were waiting for him. He walked threw the people, but a man didn’t move. He stood in front of Gandhi, and the man shot Gandhi three times! Gandhi said, “Oh god!” and he dead. People were so sad, but they followed Gandhi’s idea after his death.

When I was a elementary school student, I had learned that there was Gandhi in India, and I just knew he fought against violence. Then I knew more about him after reading this book. I recommend people to know about his life. (815/2820 words)

B.R.-4 Audrey Hepburn

This book is about a life Audrey Hepburn. I read this book because I love her movies. I have watched Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Roman Holliday, Paris When it Sizzles, and How to Steal Million. They were old movies, but I liked the stories.
People think she is pretty and beautiful, and talented. I liked her looks, and I think everyone did, but Audrey didn’t like her looks because she has a square-jaw, and she thought she was fat. Can you believe that? This book also told me that she wasn’t always right. I thought every movie that she was in was very famous and people liked it, but it wasn’t always true. This book said that she sometimes made mistakes, too. They had a movie called Green Mansion, and Audrey Hepburn was a bird girl in the movie. However it was her worst movie. Same time, she was pregnant, but when she went to Mexico to take a movie called The Unforgiven, she fell off a horse, then she lost her baby. Isn’t it so sad? When she got older, she began to think that she wants to help poor, hungry children, and she did. She started to work for United Nations in Africa. At the and of this book, a picture of Audrey, almost sixty years old has an African little boy on her back. She just wore light make-up, but she was still so beauty. (237/2005 words)


Chapter 1 My Big Teenage Problem
The main character is Susie, has freckles, and she doesn’t like the freckles. The freckles are a big teenage problem because of a conversation. She heard two boys talking at school.
A; “Who do you think is pretty?”
B; “Donna Marshall?”
A; “Yes!”
B; “Susie Carpenter?”
A; “Great legs…but I don’t like the freckles.”
Susie was so sad to hear that. Donna was her best friend, and she was really pretty, of course she had no freckles.
One day, Susie and Donna are eating lunch, and Jack, who is in Susie’s History class is looking at them. Donna didn’t know him, but she liked him, and Donna asked Susie to introduce him. Susie hadn’t talked to him, but she tried to talk him, and after a while Donna appeared, and Susie introduced her. Then Susie left them and they can talk each other. However after that, Donna said he didn’t talk. She just got six words from him, but he talked Susie well. Susie said, “Maybe he was just shy.” Then Donna asked Susie to go find what he likes.

Chapter 2 Cats and Poems
Next day, Susie and Donna were eating lunch again, and Donna made Susie to go and talk to Jack. She asked what he likes, and he said that he doesn’t like sports. He likes reading or computer games. Jack also said he likes cats. Susie asked, “Do you like dancing?”, and Jack answered, “Yes, I like dancing with right girl.” Then he asked what Susie liked. Susie tells him that she sometimes write poems. Jack is surprised to know that because he writes poems, too. They talked a lot and laughed a lot. It was almost time to go to class. Susie told Donna That Jack likes reading, poems, and dancing. Donna wasn’t interested in poems, but Donna liked dancing. She found Jack, and she asked for dancing at school Friday night. However Jack didn’t say yes, and Susie thought he was strange because he didn’t smile to Donna, and he even didn’t remember her name.

Chapter 3 The Phone Call
Susie got a phone call when she was doing her homework at her home. She thought it was Donna, but it wasn’t. It was Jack! He asked for Susie’s advice. He said, “There’s a girl at school. I like her very much, but I can’t tell her. I talked to her two or three times. I think she likes me. But am I right? How do I know?” Susie thought it should be Donna, so she told him to ask for dancing Friday night, and tell it to her. Then Susie said bye and put the phone down. She was crying. She thought, “Why is it always Donna? Why does she always get the boys?”

Chapter 4 Freckles are Great!
The next day, she was unhappy. She didn’t want to see Donna because she would be telling Susie that she is going to dance with Jack, and she even doesn’t notice that Susie is unhappy. She didn’t want to listen to it. Then she met Jack, and Jack asked Susie to go to dance! She was so surprised, and said, “but Donna wants to go to dance with you”, and Jack said, “but I want to go to dance with you.” How sweet it is!? Jack says that he thinks her freckles are pretty, too. Now Susie is very happy to hear that, and I was very happy to hear that, too. (587/1768 words)

B.R-2 Diana

Diana was a princess of Wales. She died on 31 August 1997 because of a car accident in Paris.

“Young Diana”
Diana was born in 1st July 1961 in England. She had two older sisters and one younger brother. She loved playing with her younger brother. However Diana’s parents were not happy and her mother divorced her father when Diana was eight years old. Then Diana’s mother lived with a man in Scotland after that. The four children stayed with their father, but they often visited their mother. When Diana was sixteen years old, her father married a new wife. Her name was Raine. Diana didn’t talk to her because she didn’t like Raine. Dian didn’t want new mother. She wasn’t good at school work, too, but she liked playing or helping young children.

“ Diana meets Prince Charles”
When Diana was sixteen, she worked in schools for young children in London. Queen’s son, Prince Charles was a friend of Diana’s sister, Sarah, and sometimes he visited her. When his great uncle died, Diana talked to him, and tried to help. Diana always tried to help unhappy people. Then Diana and Charles got closer. They talked a lot and laughed a lot. They liked each other. On 29 July 1981, Diana was nineteen years old, and she married in London.

“Children and illness”
On June 21 1982, they got first son. They named him William. At first, they were happy. However they always couldn’t stay at home because they had to visit many countries. Diana also didn’t like photographers following her. The streets were always full of people to see Diana and to give her flowers. It was difficult for Prince Charles, too because people want to see Diana, not Prince Charles. He felt like he was just there to carry his wife’s flowers. He said he didn’t care, but he was not happy about that. Diana always seemed a beautiful, happy, young mother, but she wasn’t always happy. She didn’t like Prince Charles talking his ex girlfriend, Camilla on the phone. Sometimes he visited Camilla. Diana began to be ill. It called bulimia. She ate a lot, and after that, she was ill, so she didn’t get fat. Prince Charles didn’t understand bulimia, and he was unhappy about her illness. He began to visit Camilla very often.

On September 15 1984, Diana and Prince Charles got second son, named Harry. However Diana was getting tired of Prince Charles. In 1992, Diana didn’t live with him any more, and in 1996, she divorced him. Then Diana lived in a big house in London with her two children. She remembered her childhood. She was very sad when her parent were divorced, so she tried to play with her children a lot. However photographers were always there.

“The most beautiful woman in the world”
Diana didn’t hate all of the photographers. She liked some of them. When Diana was a young girl, she was tall and sometimes fat. She didn’t think she was beautiful. She thought there were more beautiful girls in the world. Because she married a Prince, people made many exciting clothes for her. Diana liked clothes, and she tried to get a beautiful body, too. She went to swimming, dancing, or running every day, and it was good for her illness. After that, she was healthy and happy, and it made her more beautiful.

“Helping people”
Diana was rich and beautiful, and she had a lot of rich and famous friends, but she was still interested in helping people. She worked with many charities. She asked people to give many for the charities, and people did, but Diana wanted to give them love more than money. She talked with them a lot, and gave hug. She didn’t discriminate against any people.

“The accident”
On September 1997, Diana and Dodi, one of Diana’s men friends, went to eat dinner, and after that, they had a very bad accident. Dodi and the driver died in the car, and two hours later, Diana died. More than a million people came to London, and put so many flowers in front of Diana’s house.

That was all I read about her life. Diana was very famous. I think everyone knows her. She was very very very beautiful, but she was more than that. I wish that I can help people sometimes in my future like her. (743/1181 words)


Perfume First in the World

Do you like wearing perfume? What kind of smells do you like? I like perfume, but strong smells makes me feel bad. Sometimes I get headache, but I like catching a faint scent of perfume. The perfume which is in the picture is my friend’s one. She was not sure, but she said that this is the perfume which was made for first time in the world. She got the perfume from her boyfriend! It was so sweet, isn’t it?
I think wearing perfume is good because when I smell something good, I feel happy.(95/438 words)


On Sunday, we had Open Campus at K.G.U. I was helping them by handing around the drinks with my friend, Erika. At first, Erika and I took Shuttle bus from K.G.U. to Koutsu-center to pick some high school students who wants to go to K.G.U Open Campus up. Then we went back to K.G.U and handed around the drinks. It was kind of fun because I was with my friend. However, standing all day was kind of tired. We had Open Campus next Sunday, too, so Erika and I came to school and did that again. (96/343 words)

B.R.-1 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

Lorelei is the main character of this story. She has many gentlemen friends, and she always goes to expensive restaurants with them. Lorelei is interested in writing. She wants to be a famous writer, and one of her gentlemen friends, Mr. Eisman thinks that she will be a good writer, so he helps her to write. He gave her a diary and said, “Lorelei, write down everything in your head and it will make a book!” Then Lorelei started to keep a journal from March 16 to July 30. During the days, she trips around Europe. At the end of the story, Lorelei marries with a guy. The diary that she wrote on March 22 was interesting, so let me type it.

“March 22
My birthday was yesterday but I was very sad. Mr. Eisman brought me a very very small diamond. I told him, “It’s nice but I’m very tired. I have to stay in my room today but maybe I’ll see you tomorrow.” But Mr. Eisman came back at dinner time with a very very beautiful necklace with very large diamonds in it. I felt better then. So we had dinner at the Colony and then we went to the Tracadero. Mr. Eisman is very intelligent. He knows that the first diamond was too small.”

Can you believe these words? I was surprised that she doesn’t care taking these expensive presents.
I want to watch the DVD of this story because it easier to understand. (247 words)


Essay5 My Worst Day

My worst day was the day that I broke my arm. When I was a Junior High school student, I belonged to a Track and Field club. I liked running, but not any more because it makes me so tired.

One day, I was at school and running with my friends as a club activity. Usually, we start practicing in the morning, and finish running around one O’clock. The day, we run about thirty minutes, and did intervals 8 times. We were so tired, and we were going to run the last one. We started running, and someone who runs behind me stepped on my shoes. I was so surprised and didn’t understand what happened. I was so tired, so I fall dawn. Of course my friend running behind me felt down on me, too. I reached my hands on the ground. My friend I stood up and laughed a lot. However my arm hurt. I went to a sick bay at the school, and showed my arm to a teacher. She said me to go to a hospital, and I did. A doctor said my arm was broken. I couldn’t run until my arm gets better. My friend who was running with me felt bad. Her dad was growing trees of peach, so she brought many peaches to my house. I was so happy to have many peaches. I didn’t like running in the club, so I was lucky because I didn’t have to run while my arm was broken.

It was a bad day, but it was also a lucky day for me. (265/7126 words)

B.R.-17 Love by Design

The main character is Tom. The first of this story, Mr. Cutter who was Tom’s dad was very angry because Tom’s exam tests results were so bad. Tom says, “But I passed art class. Grade A!” Then Mr. Cutter says, “But you’ve failed your History, English, Biology, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry exam. Grade F!” However, Tom doesn’t care about it. What he wants to be is an artist, so he doesn’t care about his History, English, Biology, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry class. Tom wants to go to Silverton College to study Art and Photography. However, there was a bad news from Silverton College.
These things were written in the letter.
“Dear Tom
We are sorry to tell you that we cannot offer you a place on our Art and Photography course. We suggest that you return to school to take your exams again. Then you can study here next year. Yours sincerely.”
Tm didn’t like school, so he didn’t want to go back to school. Mr. Cutter says that Tom needs to get a job and work. Tom says, “I don’t want get a job. I’m only seventeen.” Tom dreams to make a lot of money by drawing and taking photographs. Mr. Cutter says Tom to find a job or go back to school. Tom really doesn’t wants to go back to school. Tom wrote a lot of letters to companies to ask for a job, and he filled about forty application forms. Then he got forty letters back, but of course there were no job for Tom. One day, Tom got a letter from Silverton Public Library to work there as an assistant. Mr. Cutter was so happy. Working at Silverton Public Library was very easy. Silverton Public Library was open all day, but it is a small library, and just few people comes to get some books to read at their home, or come to read newspapers. Most of the time of his work, he just sat at his desk, and he did nothing. Most of Tom’s friends study at Silverton College now. Tom wanted to go there with his friends. Sometimes Tom draws a picture of the visitors of the Silverton Public Library. One day, a girl came in to the library. She was not going to borrow any books or read newspapers. She just came into the library because it was raining. Then Tom started to draw her, and the girl notices that Tom is drawing her. She asks why he is drawing her, and Tom answers that’s because he has nothing to do, and he was bored. The girl smiles at Tom. The girl has dark hair and brown eyes. She is a very cute girl, and says that she doesn’t have anything to do either. “I never had anything interesting to do. But sometimes I make my own clothes,” the girl says. She made a coat that she is wearing now, too. It looks very nice. Tom was very surprised. The girl’s name is Rita Tatchi, and she is just seventeen, the same age as Tom. She says that she doesn’t have any job, and she lives with her father and sister. She doesn’t have her mom because of a car crush. Her dad was in the same car. He didn’t die, but badly injured. Her dad was an engineer, but it is hard to find new job, so they don’t have much money. After the talking, it wasn’t raining outside any more, so Rita left there. After the day, Tom waited for Rita comes to the library again, and he thought about Rita everyday. However Rita doesn’t appear. Four days after, Rita came to the Library. She says that she wants to be a model and went to many model agency, but she was too short to be a model. Tom decided to help her by taking her photographs, and they can send the photos to some fashion magazines. They saw each other every day, and talked a lot. They got closer and closer. However they had fight, and didn’t talk or see each other any more. Tom was angry at first, but he became sad. His friend told Tom to go to see Rita. Tom went Rita’s home, but Rita wasn’t there any more. Tom got to find her, and he did, but he didn’t want to talk to her. I was sad because they love each other, but they don’t know they do. In the last of the story, they see each other and Rita tells that she loves him to Tom on his birthday. Of course Tom still loves Rita, too. It made me so happy. This story was very, very long, but I recommend this book. (787/6861 words)


My memorable day was the days that I spent in America with my best friend. I went to T.G. High School, and they had a sister school in Clarinda, Iowa in America. Then I went to America to study abroad as an exchange student about ten months.
Clarinda is a town where Glenn Miller was born, so they have Glenn Miller Festival about one week every year. During the festival, T.G. High School’s brass band club students come to play Jazz music once in two years, and it was the year they come when I was in America. I had many good friends in brass band club, so I was so happy. My host mother said that I can choose one friend to stay together, so I could stay with my close friend about one week. During the festival, the guests were not only the students from T.G. High School. Many people from many countries came to Clarinda to play the music or to listen to the music. It was fun to see and talk to the people. T.G. High School students also had the time to practice playing music with Jack Million, a Jazz band which is formed by about twenty people from some countries in Europe. I went to see their practice and helped them by translating, but it was so difficult because I had not played any instrument, so I had any knowledge about music. However it was fun to talk with the members of Jack Million and watching the practice.
Anyway, during the festival, I could stay with my good friends in America, and had very valuable experiences. I will never forget about these days, and these are my memorable days! (285/6074 words)

B.R.-16 Mystery Girl

The main character is Phil. He lives in London. He plays a band. There are four people in the band. The day, they are going to play in front of important people. Many people from radio, magazines, and newspaper are coming to watch them. So it is a big day for them. They are going to start playing at seven thirty. However Phil is not here yet. They are going to play in forty-five minutes. They were waiting at first, but they went to find him. At that time, Phil was sitting on a chair in the street, and a girl was sitting next to him. She is cute. She is about from 17 to 20 years old, he thinks. Phil wants to talk to her. Phil smiles at her, and she smiles back. While he is thinking what to talk, she starts walking. He wants to ask her name and phone number. He follows her. His friends are still looking for him. They have to be playing in fifteen minutes. They don’t have time. Phil doesn’t know that he is going to play at seven thirty. He thinks he is going to play at nine thirty instead of seven thirty. Finally, Phil tries to talk to the girl, but Lee, one of his friends finds him. He explains that they have to be playing in ten minutes, and he takes Phil. Phil was very sorry, but he really wanted to ask her phone number, but he will never be able to have her phone number. Now, it’s time to play. They played well, and Phil’s mystery girl is watching the band with her friend! The girl wanted to talk to him, too. The girl was happy, too. Then she can go to talk to him after the play. I thought that’s good because they could be friend, but the end of the story was different from my thinking. The girl wanted to see him because she wanted to be a friend with Phil’s friend, Lee. Poor Phil! (338/5789 words)

B.R.-15 Lisa in London

Lisa is the main character in this story. Lisa is in London to learn English. She already can speak English, but she wants to learn good English. She takes a taxi to get the Young Woman’s Hotel. There is another student in the hotel. Lisa talks to her. She asks for a good school to learn English, and the student recommends the Alpha school. The next day, Lisa goes to the Alpha school. The secretary says Lisa that Michael is coming, but Lisa doesn’t know who Michael is. Then Michael comes. He says that Lisa is already late, and he wants six photos. Lisa can’t understand what he is talking about. Michael takes many photos of Lisa. She asks why he is taking many pictures of her, and she says that she just wants to take English Lessons. Michael thought Lisa is a model because it’s not Alpha school. It’s Alpha studio. Then Michael takes Lisa to Alpha school. When Michael goes back to Alpha studio, there is the real model, Miranda. They took some pictures for some new hairspray advertisement. After that, Michael shows some photos to Mr. Craig. Mr. Craig says that he likes Lisa’s pictures better than Miranda’s pictures. Michael goes to Alpha school to ask Lisa, but Lisa says no. Michael took a lot of girls’ picture, but Mr. Craig wants Lisa. Susan, Michael’s secretary goes to talk to Lisa because it is an important job for Michael. Lisa says okay. The next morning, a big car is waiting for Lisa, and takes her to a studio. There is Michael. Lions are there, too. They are in glass, so it’s safe. Lisa puts on the costume, and takes photos. Lisa thinks these are crazy. When she is going to leave, Michael says that they are going to take photos tomorrow, too. He needs to take photos for ten days. Lisa says no because she wants to take English lessons. She is not interested in model. Tomorrow morning, he goes to Alpha school with presents for her. Lisa still says no. After that, he goes to Lisa, again. He says that he can give her English lessons, and Lisa says okay, finally. Both of them are happy now. They take photos ten days. Michael is not good English teacher, but they had a lot of fun. They like each other. However Lisa has to leave London. They are so sad. Lisa goes to the airport, but she misses Michael a lot. She decides to stay London. They are happy now. However I feel sad little bit because she wanted to be a teacher, but she didn’t. I hope she became a teacher in London.(447/5451 words)


The main character is Ravi. He goes to Story Street Primary School. Ravi has a sister named Sanita. Mrs. Gohill who is Ravi’s mother said Ravi to look after Sanita because it’s her first day to go to school. Mrs. Gohill also said Ravi to take Sanita to Miss Cherry’s class. Sanita is kind of scared to be at school. Ravi took Sanita’s hand. He didn’t want to do it, but he did because his mother said him to do it. Then Ravi took her to Miss Cherry’s class. There were two other kids who come to Story Street Primary School first time. Their names are Donut and Cleo. They went to another school before, but they just moved to Story Street. Cleo is not same class with Sanita. Her teacher’s name is Mr Hopkins. Donut is in the same class with Ravi. Children have playtime, and Ravi goes to see Sanita. Ravi goes to find some kids who can be Sanita’s friend. There are some little kids. Ravi introduces Sanita to them and goes away to join his friends. The kids didn’t play with Sanita, so she didn’t know what to do. Then it is time to go back to their class room. However Sanita doesn’t know where to go. Sanita is still outside, but none is there. Sanita is sad, and she is almost crying. Then Donut finds Sanita crying, and goes to find her class room. Ravi sees them and feels so sorry. He says thank you to Donut, and takes her to Miss Cherry’s class. At first, Donut wasn’t used to his new classmate, but after that, they got closer. I haven’t change school, but sometimes I felt that I wanted to go to new school. However maybe it is tough for little kids. (298/5004words)

B.R.-13 Diana

Diana Spencer is born in 1961 in England. She has 2 older sisters and 1 younger brother. When she is 8 years old, her parents divorce. Four children live with their father. Diana gets a first boyfriend. His name is Charles. Diana marries Charles in London in 1981. However sometimes she is not happy because he visits his ex girlfriend and talks on the phone. Diana begins to be ill, but Charles doesn't help Diana well, and he often goes to see his ex girlfriend. Diana likes Swimming and dancing. These things help her to be healthy and beautiful. She likes helping people. She She's involved in Volunteer works. In 1997, Diana dies in a car accident in Paris. More than a million people come to London to remember her, and they put thousands of flowers in front of her house. (140/4706 words)

B.R.-12 Animals in Danger

There are more than thirty million species of animal in the world. Of course, some species disappear naturally, but today disappearing faster than before. Every year some of these species disappear and never see them again. People change things in our world quickly, but animals change very slowly. They are all going to disappear soon-or we can help them. our home is their home too. We shouldn't forget about it.(70/4566 words)


Last Monday, I went back to my hometown, Yamaga. Yamaga is country side. It takes about one hour to go there. I wanted to go home, but I couldn’t because I had my part time job afterschool. However, I don’t have my part time job any more in July. On Monday, I e-mailed my friend who live in Yamaga and goes to K.G.U. Her name is Mikako. She goes back to Yamaga after the fourth period, and I went back to Yamaga with that. Mikako and I went to same elementary school and same junior high school. However we hadn’t talked these days, so we talked a lot about each other in the car. It was so fun. I wanted to talk with her more, but it was already at my home in Kikuka. Kikuka is a country side. There are so many mountains and rivers. It is so different from Kumamoto city. We don’t have any convenience store. If you want to go to a convenience store, you have to go to next town. They don’t have anything but greens. However I like Kikuka town because I think it is beautiful to walk around in the evening in Autumn. When I got home, there was my mom, already. I forgot to tell my mom that I go back to home, so she was very surprised. I helped her cooking, and we ate supper. After eating supper, we went to walk the dog, Shiro. Shiro was a dog that I used to have at my apartment in Kumamoto city. I didn’t say anything to my mom when I decided to have Shiro because if I said that I was going to have a dog to my mom, she would say no. Then my friend took Shiro to my apartment. At first, I didn’t like Chihuahua, but I loved shiro so much. She was so shy. I was thinking about the dog’s name. I wanted to call her by cute name. However my friend was already calling her Shiro, so I quit thinking new name because I didn’t want to make Shiro confused. After a while, my friend left my apartment and went back to her home. Shiro was left at my apartment. Shiro doesn’t understand. Shiro waits for my frinds at the door. Of course the friend doesn’t come back. Shiro slept at the door the night. I felt sorry for her. Some day, Shiro notices that my friend never comes back, and she became not shy to me. After a few days, Shiro became to sleep with me in my bed. Isn’t she so cute? We got closer and closer. Then after a while, my mom said that she will come to my apartment to bring some rice. My mom came to my room, and she knew that I have a dog. My mom was so surprised, but she really liked Shiro, too. She wanted to take Shiro to home. Another day, she came again. She played with Shiro a lot. My mom said that Shiro should be at home in Kikuka because it is too narrow to stay for Shiro. I didn’t want her to take Shiro, but I agreed. I thought that it was too narrow, too, so I let my mom to take Shiro home. I was so sad, but my mom was so happy. Anyway, after eating supper, my mom and I went to walk Shiro. Shiro doesn’t walk that much, and she walks so slow. Isn’t she so cute? After that, I took shower, and went to a rental shop. I rented a DVD. Do you know ‘HILLS’? I didn’t watch it all, but it was good, so I want to watch it all some time. I was waiting for my sister comes back to home from her job, but I was sleeping without notice. (641/4496 words)

What I did yesterday

Today, I woke up about 8 O’clock, and went to school. I had second period, third period, and fourth period. I had a test during fourth period, and had to do a report. It was kind of difficult, but I could do it during third period. I was happy that I could hand it in. The test was also difficult, too. I could look at my textbook, but I couldn’t find the answer. I couldn’t write anything about first thirty minutes. However after that, I found some sentences that could be the answer I think. I could do my test somehow. Afterschool, I went to Nishigosgi to see the softball practice. It takes about thirty minutes to go there by car. I always go there by my friend’s car. Today, Sayaka who is one of my friends took me there. There was Marina in her car. Sayaka and Marina are secretaries of baseball club. They are both in eibei, and they are very good friends. I like them so much. It was so hot today, may be I got a lot of suntan already. I don’t like getting suntan. My skin color is so dark. I want white skin. This weekend, we go to Kitakyushu to play the softball games. I’m going to be outside all day, so I will get more suntans! Boo. (224/3855 words)



Look at this picture! Can you see what this is? This is a picture of a flower which is made by a tomato. It’s just like a rose. This is so beautiful, isn’t it? I wished that I could make it, too, but I don’t think I can. (48/3631 words)


B.R.-11 Lost Love

The main character is a man who lives in a city. It is so hot in the city in summer. He wanted to go to the country side. He drives his little red car into the country with a map. It was really nice to drive in the trees, but suddenly his car stopped. It didn’t have any petrol, so he looked at a map to get some petrol. However there were no countries. Then he met a pretty woman, named Mary, and he asked her where he can get petrol.The girl didn’t understand what petrol is, but she took him to her village. However the village was not on his map. The houses and the close that Mary’s mom and dad wear were strange. He asked Mary’s dad where he can get some petrol, but he didn’t know what petrol is, either. They said they use horses to go somewhere. There were many strange things, but he was happy to stay with Mary. However Mary tells him to leave the village, and she said she can’t tell why he has to go. Of course he didn’t want to go. He promised her to come back after getting some petrol. Mary seemed so sad, too. He walked and walked to another town, and he saw the lights of the town and got some petrol. He asked a man about the village. The man said that there was a village long time ago, but there wasn’t the village any more. He said he has heard that for once every ten years it lives again. On that one day, you can find the village, but you must leave there before sunrise or you can never leave. He went to see the village again, but there wasn’t the village. He decided to come back to the village after ten years, and he will never leave there, and stay with her forever because he loves her so much. This story made me sad. (330/3583 words)


Movie! Just My Luck

Ashley and Jake are the main characters in this movie. Lindsay Lohan does Ashley. I like her voice and clothes. That why I watched this movie. Ashley is a lucky girl. When she goes out, it stops raining even if it was raining so hard. She has been a Prom Queen of another school. The lot fell to Ashley. She is always lucky. About Jake, he is always unlucky. When he tries to do something, it always goes bad. Ashley and Jake don’t know each other, but one day, they kiss at a party. When they kissed, their luck switched. Every thing that Ashley does goes bad, and Jake became a very lucky man. Ashley tries to get back her luck from Jake. She looked for Jake, but it was so hard because she didn’t know his name, or where he lives. However Finally Ashley finds Jake, and they fall in love. Ashley got her luck buck one time, but she gives it to Jake again and she left him because Ashley knew that Jake needed the luck more than she does. Jake loves Ashley, too, so he runs after her, and they gave the luck to a little girl. Then they are both happy. (205/3253 words)

B.R.-10 Soapy's winter home

Soapy lives in New York. He likes nature, but he doesn't like buildings. He sleeps on the streets. Soapy is happy with that in summer, but he can't sleep in winter because it's too cold. Nick has a plan every winter. It's kind of a bad thing. He goes to a very smart restaurant, and eats some expensive foods. After that, Soapy says," I'm sorry, but I don't have any money." Then police comes and puts Soapy in jail for three months. No cold streets for winter. The next year, Soapy thinks about another plan to go to jail. Soapy steels a pen of a man and walks slowly. The man runs into the street and says," stop! You have my pen!" Soapy says, "your pen? Then call a policeman." However the man doesn't call policeman because he has a problem with a policeman, too." Soapy can't go to jail. He thinks for new plan again and again. (158/3048 words)

B.R.-9 Audrey Hepburn

Audrey liked dancing, and she went to ballet school, but her teacher told her that she can’t be a famous dancer because she is too tall. Audrey was so sad, but it changed her life. Audrey’s name is Audrey Kathleen Van Heemstra Hepburn-Rustin. It’s too long, isn’t it? She was born in Brussels. Audrey liked reading books, Animals, birds, and music. She wanted to be a dancer then she was unhappy because dancers are thin, and they have pretty faces, but Audrey thought that she was too fat, and she didn’t like her face. Can you believe that? She couldn’t be famous dancer, but she became a very famous actress. She made about thirty movies. I know some of them. I’ve heard the names of her movies, Roman Holliday, Sabrina, and My fair lady. I also watched “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” I like the clothes she wears. She is so cute. (150/2890 words)


“Madonna, Tom Cruise, Holly Hunter, Bette Midler, Bryan Ferry, Elizabeth Taylor. All of these people, and many famous people in countries, wear Gucci”
I think everyone knows the name, GUCCI. GUCCI is a very famous brand in fashion. Guccio Gucci is the designer of Gucci. He was born in 1881 in Italy. Then he studied three languages. They were English, French, and German. He was so smart, isn’t he? He was working at a famous hotel in London, and he saw many rich people wearing many Jewelries and cloths. Then he started to think that he want a store. He went back to Italy, and got a store. He had some problems at first, but he designed and sold. Isn’t he awesome? Now Gucci is famous in every where. (129/2740 words)


B.R.-6 Sally's phone

Sally is the main character in the story. One day in the morning, she wakes up by her phone ringing. She answers the phone, and it was her boyfriend, Andrew. That night, they are going to meet Andrew’s new boss, so Andrew called her if she remembers. He says Sally to wear her blue skirt that he likes, and he hangs up the phone. Now Sally is in trouble because she hasn’t washed the skirt yet, so it’s dirty. Sally is having breakfast with her mom and older brother, and tells that she is going out with Andrew, but her brother doesn’t like Andrew. After having breakfast, Sally gets on a train, and calls Andrew. He says that they are going to see each other at 6 O’clock, and Sally tries to tell him that he can’t wear the blue skirt, but he doesn’t hear. He says that he doesn’t have time, and hang off the phone again. I don’t think I like Andrew because he seems he is kind of selfish. Sally gets off the train, and she is at work now. She tells her friend Claire about that night and the blue skirt. They decided to get a skirt to wear that night. They get a beautiful, red skirt. Her friend Claire goes back to her work, but Sally stays there and having a cup of coffee. A man named Paul is sitting next her. When he stands up, Sally’s bag fells on the floor. Paul says sorry, and picks up the bag. Sally says thank you with a smile. Paul thinks, “What’s a nice smile.” Paul leaves there, and Sally goes back to her work, too. When Paul is in his office, a phone is ringing. However it’s not his phone. It is Sally’s. They switched their phone without noticing when they picked up their phone at the café. Paul calls his phone to get back his phone, and give sally’s phone to her. They meet at a bar. They talk, and they like each other. I’m happy with that because I think Paul is nicer than Andrew. (351/2458 words)



This is a picture of a woman wearing KIMONO. Kimono is a traditional wear. They have many pattern and color. Some foreigners think that Japanese girls still wear kimono everyday. When an American girl asked me about it, I was so surprised. When we go to summer festivals, some girls wear yukata. Yukata is a kind of kimono for summer. It’s to hot to wear kimono in summer, so we wear yukata. Girls like wearing yukata. I have two yukatas at my home. I can’t wait to wear them.(89/2107)


The main character is Jake, a boy who has Mum, Dad, and a younger sister. They are gong to get a new car. Jake wants a purple car, and his sister, Maddy wants a pink car. His Dad wants a black car, but Mom says that black car is too dark, so people may not notice them coming. She says that she wants a yellow car. They went to see and get a car that they all like. Mum, Dad, and Maddy liked first car, but Jake didn’t because He thought it didn’t have much space. They tried next car. Mom liked the car, but Jake didn’t because the seats were little bit hard. They tried another car, and Mom, Dad, and Jake liked the car. However Maddy didn’t like the horn. She says the horn sounds terrible. They couldn’t get new car, so they kept riding the old car. It got older and older. Maddy and Jake can’t stand it. Dad got a new car. It is a black car with pink, yellow, and purple line. Of course every one liked it! (183/2018)



Look at this picture! This is a pizza that my friend made. She likes cooking. Her name is Miyako. She is from Miyazaki, and goes to K.G.U. She studies about social welfare so hard. I helped her making pizza, pasta, and salads. It was my first time to make pizza. I made dough. It was fun. Then, we ate them. After that, we went to rent some DVDs. We watched Tarzan and a Japanese horror movie. It was scary. Do you like watching scary movies? After that, I didn’t want to go back to my apartment because of the horror movie, so I stayed at her apartment. We talked a lot, and after a while, we fell asleep. Then we woke up about seven thirty, and went to school. I’m going to make supper for her at my apartment next time. It will be fun!(145/1835 words)


I like animals, especially, small dogs. I have a dog at my home. I wrote about her before, so I’m going to write about my other favorite animals.
My other favorite animals are birds. My grandpa has many birds at our home. The kinds of the birds that he has are white-eye. He gets up early every morning, and feeds them. When I was a child, he told me the reason why the bird is called white-eye. White-eye is called mejiro in Japanese. He said that Mejiro’s body is green, but the color of the part around eyes is white, so people call them mejiro. One time, I asked my grandpa if I can have one of his birds, but he said no because he thought that I was too young to have pets. However I really wanted a bird. I asked my mom to have a bird every day. Then my mom said ok. I went to a pet shop. There were cockatoos, parakeets, and some other kinds of birds. The parakeet was too big for me. It had a sharp bill, so it was kind of scary. I decided to have a parakeet. The parakeet was a female, and she had a yellow and pink body. It was so cute. I called her Pi-chan. I was looking forward to feed every morning. At first, I just had one bird, but my dad said that maybe she feels lonely, so he gave me one more bird. The bird had a blue body. He helped me cleaning the cage sometime. One time, when I was feed them, they rampaged. It scared me. When I was about ten years old, the birds died. It made me so sad. I cried a lot. After that, I didn’t have any birds.
When I see some birds, they remind me of a word, freedom. Maybe that’s why I like birds.(316/1690 words)


Mt. Fuji!!!!

Have you ever been Mt. Fuji? I haven’t. One of my friends sent me this picture when he went to Shizuoka for soccer game. He teaches how to play soccer to Junior High School students. Anyway, isn’t the picture so beautiful? Mt. Fuji is a famous mountain in Japan as a biggest mountain in Japan. It is in Shizuoka-ken. Shizuoka-ken is kind of far from Kumamoto. It is not in Kyushu. I haven’t been Shizuoka-ken, so I hope I can visit there sometime. However I have read an article about Mt. Fuji, and it says that there are a lot of dusts there. I think it’s so sad. I hope we can save mountains clean because many tourist from foreign countries visit there. (123/1374 words)

B.R.-4 Zippy Zebra Finds a Friend

There is a zebra It is a little boy and so active. He wants friends to play together. One day, he saw a Cheetah running. The Cheetah runs so fast. He asked his mother if they could be good friends, but she said no, of course. After that, he saw a crocodile swimming, and the crocodile swims well. He asked his mother if they could be good friends, and his mother said no, again. She knows that Cheetah and crocodile eat zebra, so she says zebra can’t play with Cheetah and crocodile. The zippy zebra asks who can be a good friend with him, and his mother says that there is an animal which can be a good friend with him. It is a zebra. Of course zebra can be good friends. I noticed that’s why they move with a herd of same animals.(144/1251 words)



Dear host family
Hello. My name is Masumi Kanamitsu. I’m 20 years old now and going to be 21 years old on next October. I go to K.G.U and study English. I’m from Kikuka in Yamaga, and my univercity is in Kumamoto city. It takes about 1 hour to go to school by car, so I live at an apartment in Kumamoto city. I stay there about 3 years. I wasn’t used to cook when I lived with my family, but now I cook everyday. I like cooking, so I want to make supper with you sometimes. Tell me how to cook some American foods, and I can tell you how to cook Japanese foods. I hope you like it.
Then, let me introduce my family. I have 7 people in my family. I live with my grandma, grandpa, dad, mom, older sister, older brother, and me. It’s too many, isn’t it? We also have two dogs and some birds. They are so cute! I’ll show you some pictures of them. How many people are there in your family? Do you have any pets?
Do you like watching movies? I love watching movies! I like “How to loose a guy in ten days”, and “Blue crush”. Have you ever watched them? “Blue crush” is a surfing movie. I like going to the sea, so I like the movie. I wish that I could surf, but I haven’t tried yet. Have you ever tried surfing? I want to try it sometime. Tell me about your hobbies, too.
I want to improve my English ability, learn about your culture, and make a lot of friends. I hope we can have great time! I’m very looking forward to see you! (289/1107 words)

B.R.-3 Marty and the magazine

The main character is Marty. He has a friend, Joe. They like going to Mr. Mancini’s music shop every Friday afterschool. There are CDs and music magazines. Mr. Mancini is a very nice man. Marty likes him so much. However, Marty saw Joe was steeling a magazine from the shop. Marty is unhappy, but he didn’t tell Mr. Macini because Joe was a friend from childhood. After they left the store, Joe show Marty the magazine that they stole. Marty said that he saw it. They met Joe’s mom on the street, and Joe said that he bought the magazine from Mr. Macini’s. Marty could tell Joe’s mom about the book, but he didn’t. Marty decided to keep the magazine for a while. Joe didn’t seem happy. Marty went back to Mr. Macini’s store next day, and Marty put back the magazine to the shelf without telling Mr. Macicni. Mr. Macaini doesn’t notice about it. Now Marty and Joe are not good friend any more. (165/818 words)


B.R.-2 The Gold Touch

A long time ago, there was a king named King Midas. He was a nice king, so people like him. However he wasn’t as rich as other kings, so he wanted to be as rich as others. One day, King Midas was walking, and he saw a man sleeping in his palace. The man says that he has no money, no food, and nowhere else to go. King Midas gave the man a bed and some foods for ten days. Dionysus, one of Gods was watching over his act and said King Midas, “Your act of kindness will be rewarded. I grant you one wish.” King Midas said, “I want everything I touch to turn to gold.” Dionysus says that he doesn’t think it is a good idea, but King Midas wanted it. Then Dionysus gave the power to him. He was so happy that everything King Midas touches turn to gold. However at the dinner time, he can’t eat anything because of the power. When he tries to eat, foods turn to gold. His daughter helped him to eat, and he could eat dinner. However after that, he touched to his daughter, and she turned to gold! King Midas is so surprised. He called Dionysus, and asked to remove his wish. Dionysus says that he can do that, but King Midas will be poorer than before. King Midas doesn’t care. He wants his daughter back. Then Dionysus removed his wish. Now he is poorer, but happier than before. (250/653 words)



This is a picture of my friend and me. We stayed a lot of time together last summer. She studied English during 13th grade, but now she is a night school student, and she studies about social welfare and human body. She wants to be a massager. It seems so difficult for me. Sometimes she massages me, and I love it! I hope that she can be a good massager.(70/403 words)

In Nishigoshi with Daichan

Look at this cute picture! Isn’t he so cute? We call him Dai-chan. He is the grandson of the ground’s caretaker. He is an elementary school student. Dai-chan comes to the softball ground sometimes. The day, he came there by bike, and he said that he wanted to put on the protectors. So I helped him putting them on. These protectors are for university students, so they are too big for him. However he looked so happy. After that, we played with some balls. Playing with a child was fun!(90/333 words)


I took this book to read because I liked the unique pictures. The pictures are cute, but sometimes looked strange. The story was about a sultan. He is a very cruel man. The sultan had lost his left hand in the war, so he has an iron fist now. People in the island are afraid of him. They did exactly what he said. If they don’t, they have to go to the kingdom’s prison. On his birthday, the sultan orders something to his followers for fun. The followers are scared on his birthday because if they can’t exactly he ordered, they have to go to the prison, too. This year, the two of the sultan’s followers are set a challenge. The challenge is a “Camel Race”. However it’s not just a camel race. The looser has to spend 5 years in the prison and tattoo of the sultan on his chest to remind his failure. Isn’t he so mean? I don’t think I want to live under the cruel sultan.(170/243 words)


My dog!

From December 24th to January 2nd, I was busy to work. I was working everyday. I wanted to go home in Yamaga from December 30th to January 4th, but I had to work, so I went back to Yamaga January 3rd and 4th. I was looking forward to eat supper with my family, but my grandma, mom, and dad had to go to a funeral, so they were busy. I was kind of sad. (73 words)

Movie Review-1 SHREK

The main character’s name is Shrek. Donkey, Princess Fiona, Lord Farquaad, and the other characters were in the story.

Shrek is just like a monster. His skin color is green. He acts roughly and talks roughly. That’s why people don’t like Shrek. They are scared of him. And Shrek doesn’t like staying with them because he knows that people don’t like him. In fact, he is not really mean. He is very nice man. One day, Shrek meets Donkey. Donkey doesn’t know much about Shrek. He doesn’t know that people are scared of Shrek, and Donkey talks a lot. Shrek is not friendly to Donkey, but he doesn’t care. From that day, Donkey always follows Shrek. When Shrek goes back to his home, there are many people. They say that Lord Farquaad banished them. Shrek goes to talk to Lord Farquaad to recover his home. Lord Farqaad is a very bad man. He wants to marry a princess. He doesn’t care which princess. He just wants to marry a princess and be a king. He says that if Shrek takes Princess Fiona from a castle to him, he will return Shrek’s house.
Then Shrek goes to the castle to save Princess Fiona with Donkey. The castle is a really dangerous place. There is a dragon. However, the dragon was not a bad dragon as they thought. They could save Princess Fiona somehow. Then Shrek, Donkey, and Princess Fiona go back to the castle. It took some days to get there. Princess Fiona sleeps alone every night. Shrek thinks that she sleeps alone because she hates him. However, it is not true. She likes Shrek, but she doesn’t want him to see in the night. Her looks changes at sunset. In the daytime, she is very beautiful, but at night, she becomes ugly.

At the end of the story, Shrek knows Princess Fiona’s real appearance, and they get married somehow.

Before watching Shrek, I didn’t like Computer Graphic movies too much, but I liked this movie. I was sad when Shrek thought that Princess Fiona didn’t like him because of his looks. I really wanted her to say that she didn’t mean it. Anyway, I was happy that they could get married. (371/5679 words)